
New employee onboarding #Elements Copy & Sync

Jira clone issues dynamically for employee onboarding

Use case benefits

Simplify the work of HR teams using Jira Work Management

Generate multiple issues dynamically and efficiently

Each employee onboarding is slightly different, but based on a common process. With the dynamic multiple issue option, you can create a custom number of issues based on a field like components, labels, or a select list. You’ll have the right balance between standardization and customization without a cumbersome process.

Customize the content of each issue

Key information is already in the source issue, but copying and pasting to each new issue is long and error-prone. No-code field mappings let you customize how fields are populated in the new issues and level up your efficiency. Use information in the source issue, like a date, component, or custom field to customize the content of each issue.

Gain visibility on tasks with the timeline view

Get at-a-glance visibility on deadlines for onboarding tasks with the timeline view of Jira Work Management. Elements Copy & Sync can even automatically calculate a due date based on an initial date in the source issue, so you can focus on getting the work done.
Each employee onboarding is slightly different, but based on a common process. With the dynamic multiple issue option, you can create a custom number of issues based on a field like components, labels, or a select list. You’ll have the right balance between standardization and customization without a cumbersome process.
Key information is already in the source issue, but copying and pasting to each new issue is long and error-prone. No-code field mappings let you customize how fields are populated in the new issues and level up your efficiency. Use information in the source issue, like a date, component, or custom field to customize the content of each issue.
Get at-a-glance visibility on deadlines for onboarding tasks with the timeline view of Jira Work Management. Elements Copy & Sync can even automatically calculate a due date based on an initial date in the source issue, so you can focus on getting the work done.


Create issues dynamically based on the component field

With Elements Copy & Sync, you can define dynamic recipes which lets you create several Jira issues. The number of issues created is completely dynamic, and based on values from the source issue such as: labels, components, user pickers, checkboxes, group pickers, select lists, or version pickers.
Copy & Sync Product Manager: Thibaut

Have questions about creating multiple issues at once?


Can I create multiple subtasks in Jira at once?

Yes, you can create multiple subtasks by using the subtask recipe type. Learn more about subtask recipes on the documentation, or watch this video to see how they are configured.

Can I create different types of issues? For example 1 task, 1 story, and 1 bug?

You can set up a template of multiple issues to create, with different issue types selected, but the number of issues to create is static, as opposed to dynamic issue creation. To learn more, read this tutorial: Create multiple issues based on a template

Can I add a link between the “parent” issue and the new issues created?

Yes, you can configure the link you’d like between the source issue and the new issues created in the target section. Learn more about the monitoring options here.

I want to create multiple issues only if a checkbox custom field is checked. Is that possible?

Yes, you can either set precise JQL for the source issues that can trigger the recipe, or trigger the recipe with Automation, depending on your team’s processes. Learn more about setting criteria for your source issues here.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Copy & Sync to standardize your processes.

Escalate issues to teams in different Jira projects

Clone and move Jira issues easily between your Jira agents and your development teams

Leverage a template project in Jira by bulk copying issues

Set up templated deliverables in Jira and easily add them to new projects with Elements Copy & Sync

Create multiple subtasks for software testing

Automatically create multiple testing issues in Jira thanks to a set of templated subtasks

Create subtask templates in Jira for consistent software testing with Elements Copy & Sync

Use case benefits

Automatically create multiple testing issues

Create a set of templated subtasks

For repetitive tasks like software testing, it’s a pain to regularly have to create subtasks with the same content. Subtask recipes allow you to pre-configure up to 25 subtasks to be created at once, so you can focus on the actual software testing and not copying & pasting issue descriptions.

Inherit information from the parent issue

Key information is already in the parent issue, but copying and pasting it to each subtask is long and error-prone. Customize the content of the subtasks and level up your efficiency by inheriting field details from the parent issue, like an affect version, component, environment, or custom field and even attachments or comments if necessary.

Trigger seamlessly in your DevOps processes

Create the subtasks you need for software testing based on your team preferences: trigger it when the source issue is transitioned to a specific status, call the recipe from Automation when a build status changes (or any other DevOps trigger), or let your team activate it manually from the issue menu.
For repetitive tasks like software testing, it’s a pain to regularly have to create subtasks with the same content. Subtask recipes allow you to pre-configure up to 25 subtasks to be created at once, so you can focus on the actual software testing and not copying & pasting issue descriptions.
Key information is already in the parent issue, but copying and pasting it to each subtask is long and error-prone. Customize the content of the subtasks and level up your efficiency by inheriting field details from the parent issue, like an affect version, component, environment, or custom field and even attachments or comments if necessary.
Create the subtasks you need for software testing based on your team preferences: trigger it when the source issue is transitioned to a specific status, call the recipe from Automation when a build status changes (or any other DevOps trigger), or let your team activate it manually from the issue menu.

Discover subtask recipe types

With Elements Copy & Sync subtask recipes, you will be able to easily create up to 25 subtasks at once, each one initialized with the values you need, either static or copied from their parent issue. You will also be able to synchronize fields, comments, and attachments between the parent issue and its subtasks.
Copy & Sync Product Manager: Thibaut

Have questions about creating subtask templates in Jira?


Can I copy different things to each subtask?

Yes, by choosing to set a value for each subtask for the fields you want to copy, you can configure different values for each subtask. For example, copy from the same field in the parent issue for one subtask, set a static value for another, and set a dynamic value for another. Learn more about the field mapping possibilities.

How many subtasks can I create at once?

You can create up to 25 subtasks at once.

If a value changes in the parent issue, can it be updated in the subtask?

Values copied from the parent issue to the child issue can be synchronized if there are changes by activating the synchronization option in the field mapping. Learn more about synchronization options.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Copy & Sync to standardize your processes.

Escalate issues to teams in different Jira projects

Clone and move Jira issues easily between your JSM Agents and your development teams

Leverage a template project in Jira by bulk copying issues

Set up templated deliverables in Jira and easily add them to new projects with Elements Copy & Sync

Create multiple issues dynamically for employee onboarding

Simplify the work of HR teams using Jira by creating all tasks linked to a new employee onboarding

Create knowledge base articles from Jira Service Management tickets with Elements Publish

Use case benefits

Use support agents’ comments to create pre-filled knowledge base articles

Display Jira comments in Confluence

Create knowledge base articles or FAQs that include detailed instructions from a support agent by inserting the ‘last comment’ variable onto your template. Embedding Jira comments onto new Confluence pages with Elements Publish will help you quickly build out an entire library of how-to’s and FAQs. 

Use a Confluence blueprint or design a custom article layout

Insert the key data from your JSM request, like the last comment, into standard Confluence templates like the How To and the Troubleshooting templates Or a custom template your team created. You can also design your article layout directly in Elements Publish. Blueprint or custom layout: your new knowledge base articles can look great.

Control how you trigger article publication

Depending on the process that works for your team, you can let agents choose when they create a new knowledge base article, or set it and forget it so there’s no extra step for agents. Elements Publish recipes can be triggered manually, as a post-function on a transition, or by any of the triggers in Automation for Jira thanks to our public REST API.
Create knowledge base articles or FAQs that include detailed instructions from a support agent by inserting the ‘last comment’ variable onto your template. Embedding Jira comments onto new Confluence pages with Elements Publish will help you quickly build out an entire library of how-to’s and FAQs. 
Insert the key data from your JSM request, like the last comment, into standard Confluence templates like the How To and the Troubleshooting templates Or a custom template your team created. You can also design your article layout directly in Elements Publish. Blueprint or custom layout: your new knowledge base articles can look great.
Depending on the process that works for your team, you can let agents choose when they create a new knowledge base article, or set it and forget it so there’s no extra step for agents. Elements Publish recipes can be triggered manually, as a post-function on a transition, or by any of the triggers in Automation for Jira thanks to our public REST API.

Copy Jira comments to Confluence pages

As a Jira administrator, you want to make relevant information from a Jira issue, including what is in comments, available on a Confluence page. Jira comments can be inserted into the body of a Confluence page, making the information searchable for Confluence users.
Copy & Sync Product Manager: Thibaut

Have questions about publishing Jira comments to Confluence?


Can I choose which comments are published?

You can choose between all comments, first comment, or last comment.

How do I publish only the content of the comment, not the author name and date/time?

You can choose to publish only the body of the comment when inserting the value on your page/template layout. 

Can I publish the comments inside something, like a table?

Yes, you can insert comments inside other Confluence page elements. You just need to place the cursor inside the element, then click on + Insert and select the comments option.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Publish to integrate Jira and Confluence.

Create incident postmortems in Confluence from Jira

Create incident postmortems in Confluence from Jira with Elements Publish

Use case benefits

Leverage the information from your incidents tracked in Jira by publishing it to Confluence

Automate your incident management process by creating a Confluence page from Jira

Elements Publish recipes allow you to pre-configure the parent page, design a template that mixes static content and details from your Jira issue, and link to the new page in the Jira incident. With everything prebuilt, Jira users can focus on the root cause analysis, not copying and pasting.

Display incident details from Jira

Inject information from Jira onto the post-mortem page: issue details, field values, attachments, and even labels. Get the layout you want by inserting issue details into tables or adding panels, action items, or statuses. You can even use issue details or field values to dynamically set the page title.

Control how you trigger the post-mortem page creation

Elements Publish recipes can be triggered manually by Jira users, added as a post-function to a transition, or integrated into an Automation rule. Fine-tune who can create the post-mortem by adding user conditions based on user groups or identify. 
Elements Publish recipes allow you to pre-configure the parent page, design a template that mixes static content and details from your Jira issue, and link to the new page in the Jira incident. With everything prebuilt, Jira users can focus on the root cause analysis, not copying and pasting.
Inject information from Jira onto the post-mortem page: issue details, field values, attachments, and even labels. Get the layout you want by inserting issue details into tables or adding panels, action items, or statuses. You can even use issue details or field values to dynamically set the page title.
Elements Publish recipes can be triggered manually by Jira users, added as a post-function to a transition, or integrated into an Automation rule. Fine-tune who can create the post-mortem by adding user conditions based on user groups or identify. 
post mortems


Make your team’s processes even more efficient by inserting Jira data into Confluence templates

If your team is already using Confluence templates which meet their needs, there is no reason why that should change. Learn how you can embed issue data from Jira into Confluence templates with no coding or webhooks to configure.
Copy & Sync Product Manager: Thibaut

Have questions about inserting Jira fields into Confluence templates?


What fields can I insert on Confluence templates?

There are over 20 different types of fields you can insert. You can find the full list of fields you can copy from Jira to Confluence on our documentation.

Can I edit the Confluence page after I’ve inserted data from the incident?

Yes, you can edit the page around the Confluence macros that display the details from the incident in Jira.

Can I add labels from the incident to my Confluence page?

Yes, you can apply labels to your postmortem by activating the toggle in the content section of the recipe. You can then then organize and report on your postmortems with native Confluence features like the content by label macro.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Publish to integrate Jira and Confluence.

Create knowledge base articles from Jira Service Management tickets

Connect Jira Service Management to HubSpot for a better customer support

Use case benefits

Build a customer support experience that delights

Simplify issue creation for JSM customers

Jira Service Management customers shouldn’t have to manually fill in endless forms to submit a request to your support. Elements Connect fields can auto-populate drop down fields with options coming straight from your HubSpot CRM. Customers then only have to select the relevant options, write a description of their problem, and the support team will take care of the rest.

Give your Jira Service Desk agents the insights to understand clients’ requests

Resolve issues faster by displaying customer data from HubSpot inside Jira Service Management. Using Elements Connect, you can give support agents a complete view of the customer context so they provide fast, accurate answers to clients’ issues. 

Leverage HubSpot data to prioritize issues and create queues

Help your support team prioritize requests based on customer data that can be related to the account, the assets… or any HubSpot object. The support manager can create queues in Jira Service Management based on data from HubSport, or even set the SLA based on the value of the contact.
Jira Service Management customers shouldn’t have to manually fill in endless forms to submit a request to your support. Elements Connect fields can auto-populate drop down fields with options coming straight from your HubSpot CRM. Customers then only have to select the relevant options, write a description of their problem, and the support team will take care of the rest.
Resolve issues faster by displaying customer data from HubSpot inside Jira Service Management. Using Elements Connect, you can give support agents a complete view of the customer context so they provide fast, accurate answers to clients’ issues. 
Help your support team prioritize requests based on customer data that can be related to the account, the assets… or any HubSpot object. The support manager can create queues in Jira Service Management based on data from HubSport, or even set the SLA based on the value of the contact.

Query the HubSpot REST API and enrich the information in Jira issues

Learn how to add HubSpot as an Elements Connect datasource to populate a select list with customer stored in the CRM tool. It’s ideal to provide support or pre-sales teams with customer information stored in HubSpot, such as contact details, associated deals, etc.

Have questions about bringing data from HubSpot into Jira?


Do I need to be admin in HubSpot to integrate HubSpot and Jira?

 Yes, you need to be able to get an API Key.

I’m not really good at querying HubSpot’s REST API …

We have some sample queries on our documentation.

Do you support other CRM’s like Salesforce, Pipedrive, or SugarCRM?

 Yes we do.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Connect to bring external data inside Jira:

Connect JSM to your external CMDB

Deliver greater value, faster

Integrate Jira and Azure AD

Automatically triage requests by location

Leverage a template project in Jira by bulk copying issues with Elements Copy & Sync

Use case benefits

Create new projects with standardized issues as part of a consistent process

 Streamline your process control by bulk copying Jira issue templates

Set up templated deliverables in Jira and easily add them to new projects with Elements Copy & Sync. When your processes repeat often, you can create template issues like Initiatives, Epic, stories, or tasks in a Master or template project, then clone everything into a new project from Jira search results. Even the attachments and comments can be copied.

Copy, clear, or change field values based on the target project

The Jira issue templates in your Master project may include fields you sometimes want to copy, other times clear, or even set with static options. To reduce the manual work when filling a new project, Elements Copy & Sync no code field mapping options allows you to decide with each recipe which fields will be copied, cleared, or changed.

Synchronize changes between Master project issues and cloned issues

Have you updated the detailed process to follow in the description of a template issue, perhaps diagrammed in an attachment? Or changed a component or label? By activating synchronization from source to target in the recipe, there is no need to manually update each cloned issues after a change in the Master project.
Set up templated deliverables in Jira and easily add them to new projects with Elements Copy & Sync. When your processes repeat often, you can create template issues like Initiatives, Epic, stories, or tasks in a Master or template project, then clone everything into a new project from Jira search results. Even the attachments and comments can be copied.
The Jira issue templates in your Master project may include fields you sometimes want to copy, other times clear, or even set with static options. To reduce the manual work when filling a new project, Elements Copy & Sync no code field mapping options allows you to decide with each recipe which fields will be copied, cleared, or changed.
Have you updated the detailed process to follow in the description of a template issue, perhaps diagrammed in an attachment? Or changed a component or label? By activating synchronization from source to target in the recipe, there is no need to manually update each cloned issues after a change in the Master project.


Bulk copy up to 1000 Jira issues at once

As a Process Manager, you use Jira to store and reuse a “library project” which contains hundreds of issues. Copying hundreds of issues manually is not a satisfying solution. Thanks to Elements Copy & Sync, it is possible to duplicate all these issues at once based on a Jira search result or a Jira Filter.
Copy & Sync Product Manager: Thibaut

Have questions about bulk copying Jira issues?


Can I clone a project?

You can clone all the issues in a project either from the Search or filter screen, or alternatively use Automation to copy issues when you create a new project.

Does this bulk clone Epics?

 Yes, you can bulk clone Epics and all the issues under the Epics.

How do I choose the project where the issues will be bulk copied?

You can configure the target projects in the recipe. If you add multiple projects, the user will then be able to select the project where they want to copy the issues.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Copy & Sync to standardize your processes.

Escalate issues to teams in different Jira projects

Clone and move Jira issues easily between Jira Service Management Agents and development teams

Create multiple issues dynamically for employee onboarding

Simplify the work of HR teams using Jira by creating all tasks linked to a new employee onboarding

Create multiple subtasks for software testing

Automatically create multiple testing issues in Jira thanks to a set of templated subtasks

Escalate issues to teams in different Jira projects using Elements Copy & Sync

Use case benefits

An efficient way to clone and move issues from Jira Service Management to your Jira Software project

Clone and move between Jira Service Management and Jira Software

Configure automatic escalation of issues from JSM to Jira Software so your Service agents don’t have to copy and paste details between issues. Configured by the Jira administrator, recipes allow you to decide which details you want to copy. To make maintenance simple, a project picker can be used to select the target Software project.

Trigger on transition, or any Automation trigger

To automate your escalation process as much as possible, you can add Elements Copy & Sync recipes to post-functions so issues are copied as soon as the original support request is transitioned. Or you can trigger the recipe when an SLA is breached by using the REST API in an Automation rule.

Synchronize comments or status from developers back to Jira Service Management

Copy and synchronize comments one way or bi-directionally between issues so developers and agents can collaborate seamlessly. Workflow status synchronization makes life easier for agents by automatically resolving the support request when the Software issue is closed.
Configure automatic escalation of issues from JSM to Jira Software so your Service agents don’t have to copy and paste details between issues. Configured by the Jira administrator, recipes allow you to decide which details you want to copy. To make maintenance simple, a project picker can be used to select the target Software project.
To automate your escalation process as much as possible, you can add Elements Copy & Sync recipes to post-functions so issues are copied as soon as the original support request is transitioned. Or you can trigger the recipe when an SLA is breached by using the REST API in an Automation rule.
Copy and synchronize comments one way or bi-directionally between issues so developers and agents can collaborate seamlessly. Workflow status synchronization makes life easier for agents by automatically resolving the support request when the Software issue is closed.


Synchronize the status of two issues

When a support ticket is escalated to a development project, it often means that the support ticket won’t be closed until the escalated issue has been fixed by the software team. As a support agent, it’s bothersome to have to check the status of an escalated issue. You can automate the process with Elements Copy & Sync.
Copy & Sync Product Manager: Thibaut

Have questions about escalating Jira issues from one project to another?


Can I copy Forms?

Yes, Forms, previously known as ProForma, can be copied by Elements Copy & Sync and added to the Jira Software issue so developers have the information they need.

Can I copy all the comments in the original support request?

Yes, you can copy all the comments made at the time of escalation, and you can also choose if you want any new comments, or modifications of existing comments to by synchronized over to the escalated issue.

Can I control who can trigger cloning the issue?

If you chose to manually trigger the issue, you can set conditions on the role or group of the user to control who can escalate issues.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Copy & Sync to standardize your processes.

Leverage a template project in Jira by bulk copying issues

Streamline your process control by bulk copying Jira issue templates

Create multiple subtasks for software testing

Automatically create multiple testing issues in Jira thanks to a set of templated subtasks

Create multiple issues dynamically for employee onboarding

Simplify the work of HR teams using Jira by creating all tasks linked to a new employee onboarding

Issue in Epics

Use case benefits

Epic Management: the Benefits of Using Elements Overview

Improved Task Management and Dependency Tracking

Developers often become too focused on their individual tasks, which can sometimes make it difficult for them to see how their work fits into the larger picture. With Overview, developers can now view all related issues within the same Epic they are working on, providing them with the necessary context to complete their current tasks more efficiently. They can now work more seamlessly as a team and better contribute to the success of the project.

Improved Efficiency and Timeliness

When working on a large Epic that spans multiple sprints, it can be challenging to track dependencies between tasks across different sprints. This can cause delays and hinder timely project completion. However, using Elements Overview to display all tasks within the same Epic helps identify overlooked gaps or dependencies. This ensures timely completion and avoids bottlenecks. Teams can work efficiently, deliver high-quality work, and achieve successful project outcomes.
Developers often become too focused on their individual tasks, which can sometimes make it difficult for them to see how their work fits into the larger picture. With Overview, developers can now view all related issues within the same Epic they are working on, providing them with the necessary context to complete their current tasks more efficiently. They can now work more seamlessly as a team and better contribute to the success of the project.
When working on a large Epic that spans multiple sprints, it can be challenging to track dependencies between tasks across different sprints. This can cause delays and hinder timely project completion. However, using Elements Overview to display all tasks within the same Epic helps identify overlooked gaps or dependencies. This ensures timely completion and avoids bottlenecks. Teams can work efficiently, deliver high-quality work, and achieve successful project outcomes.

Power up this use case

Use Overview and Copy & Sync to Streamline Issue Escalation and Resolution

Elements Overview is a valuable tool when combined with Elements Copy & Sync, particularly for issue escalation. When a JSM issue is escalated to a development project, there are often multiple related issues to address. Elements Overview consolidates all these issues, providing developers with a comprehensive understanding and facilitating efficient collaboration. By using Overview alongside Copy & Sync, teams achieve enhanced efficiency and productivity, leading to better project outcomes.

Have questions about displaying issues in Epic?


What kind of issues from the Epic can I display on my overviews?

 Any kind of issues (stories, bugs, tasks…) can be displayed in your overviews, as long as they are in the same Epic.

What kind of information can I include from the issues in my overview?

 You decide the columns you want to show on your overviews, here you can check the compatible fields you can add your overviews to adapt it to your needs :

If I change the Epic from my story, will my overview be updated?

 YES! like a magic trick, Overview will gather the issues that will be displayed depending on the Epic they belong to.
More Overview use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

 Want to learn more about how our Overview app can help streamline your workflow and improve collaboration? Check out our other use cases to see how teams in different industries are using Overview to manage Epics and track progress on their projects. From software development to marketing campaigns and HR Onboarding processes, Overview can be tailored to fit your team’s specific needs. Explore our use cases to see how Overview can benefit your team today!

Onboarding new employees with Jira

See related tickets of request on customer portal

See related incidents in the global problem

Connect Jira Service Management to your external CMDB and deliver greater value, faster

Use case benefits

Leverage asset information that’s already stored in a CMDB

Guide Jira Service Management customers through the ticket creation process

Manually filling endless forms is frustrating for end-users and error prone. With Elements Connect, you can turn text fields into select-lists with options coming straight from your CMDB. Jira Service Management customers then only have to select the relevant options, describe their request and it takes them seconds to create qualified tickets.

Help support agents identify important information at a glance

Customize how Elements Connect displays data from your CMDB with HTML. Make important data stand out so Jira Service Management agents can act quickly and confidently on requests. You can also configure custom queues based on data from your CMDB using Elements Connect to help agents prioritize their work.

Choose which data from your CMDB is visible by customers or by agents only

Project admins can choose which data they want to display on the customer portal, and which shouldn’t clutter the end-user interface but is necessary for agents. For instance, you can display the serial number and support phone number of an asset on the agent view, while only showing the asset name and location on the customer portal. 
Manually filling endless forms is frustrating for end-users and error prone. With Elements Connect, you can turn text fields into select-lists with options coming straight from your CMDB. Jira Service Management customers then only have to select the relevant options, describe their request and it takes them seconds to create qualified tickets.
Customize how Elements Connect displays data from your CMDB with HTML. Make important data stand out so Jira Service Management agents can act quickly and confidently on requests. You can also configure custom queues based on data from your CMDB using Elements Connect to help agents prioritize their work.
Project admins can choose which data they want to display on the customer portal, and which shouldn’t clutter the end-user interface but is necessary for agents. For instance, you can display the serial number and support phone number of an asset on the agent view, while only showing the asset name and location on the customer portal. 

Use a local Jira project as a light-weight asset manager

Store asset details in a Jira project and then fetch details by querying the Jira Cloud REST API. Each asset (an issue) has a number of attributes (fields), which can be displayed on Jira Service Management requests.

Have questions about bringing data from a CMDB into Jira?


What CMDBs can I use with Elements Connect? Can I get data from ServiceNow?

You can use any CMDB that offers a REST API with one of the authentication types we support, or that’s built on a SQL database.

Can I hide asset details from customers?

Yes, you can hide asset details on the customer view and only show them to agents.

How can I get help setting up the connection to my CMDB?

Contact our support team.
More use cases

One app, 100+ use-cases

Discover more ways your team can use Elements Connect to bring external data inside Jira:

Connect Jira Service Management to HubSpot for a better customer support

Integrate Jira and Azure AD to automatically triage requests