
How to clone an entire project in Jira with Elements Copy&Sync

Discover Elements Copy & Sync: Your Ultimate Tool for Cloning and Synchronization in Jira

Have you explored what Elements Copy & Sync has to offer? Available on the Atlassian Marketplace, this tool is indispensable for enhancing your project management capabilities within Jira. Whether you’re looking to clone Jira projects, copy issues, or utilize Jira project templates for quick project setups, Elements Copy & Sync facilitates these tasks with ease and precision.

Why Elements Copy & Sync?

Elements Copy & Sync allows for seamless cloning and synchronization of projects and issues, ensuring that all team members have the latest updates. It’s perfect for:

  • Support escalation: Enhances coordination between support and development teams by synchronizing Jira issues.
  • Project synchronization: Keeps various teams aligned when working on shared projects or issues.
  • Project templating: Enables the quick launching of new projects using predefined Jira project templates, making the creation of new initiatives as simple as a few clicks.

Elements Copy & Sync is your best ally to go beyond Jira cloning native features that can be limited and lacks of customs options.

Let’s see how to leverage Elements Copy & Sync for cloning an entire project effectively!

Step 1: Configure your cloning recipe

Before you can start cloning, you need to set up what we refer to as a “recipe” — a configuration within the app. This recipe specifies which issues to clone, which fields to synchronize, and where they should be mapped.

Note: you can try Elements Copy & Sync for free for a month (and it stays free under 10 users). Try it here

In the app section, you’ll need to create a new “Copy & Sync” recipe and to check that these options are activated:

  • Copy full hierarchy
  • Copy all fields in the field mapping area (you can also copy attachments, comments, web links…)
  • Copy subtasks

Save and activate your recipe.

Step 2: Clone your project configuration

Let’s assume you want to clone a project named “Tellurian template” into a new project called “AirCleaner Software.” In Jira, create a new project and apply the Tellurian template’s settings. This approach clones the entire configuration of your project, saving time and reducing manual setup.

Read more about how to do bulk cloning with Elements Copy & Sync

Step 3: Use filter to locate issues and get the job done!

In your new project “AirCleaner Software,” navigate to the issue area and use a JQL query to identify the right issues for cloning.

For example if you want to clone all the epics with their child issues, you can insert this JQL query:

Once you locate these issues, activate Elements Copy & Sync with your configured recipe. The app will automatically clone the Jira issues and their child issues to the new project. This automation can be triggered manually or set up as a post-function or automated task.

Note that you can also decide to trigger your recipe with Automation or post-functions rather than with a manual action.

And that’s it, you’re all set: all your issues have been cloned with their fields and child issues.

Try Elements Copy & Sync for free

Starting a new project or managing ongoing ones in Jira doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With Elements Copy & Sync, cloning Jira projects, issues, and utilizing project templates become straightforward processes that save time and increase productivity.

Try the demo here:

Jira Cloud is made for managing projects and tasks easily, but when you’re dealing with repetitive task structures, the ability to clone issues efficiently can be a real game-changer. Elements Copy and Sync is an app that expands the native capabilities of Jira, enabling users to duplicate projects and synchronize changes across multiple issues. This blog post dives deep into leveraging the art of bulk cloning in Jira using Elements Copy and Sync, guiding you through the process and best practices.

What is bulk cloning?

Bulk cloning involves creating copies of one or more Jira issues simultaneously. This can be particularly useful for projects that involve repetitive tasks, such as setting up similar projects or tasks for multiple teams or departments. It saves time and ensures consistency across project workflows.

Why use Elements Copy and Sync for bulk cloning?

Copy and Sync provides an enhanced cloning experience by duplicating issues and linking them together. Changes made to the original issue can be synchronized to its clones. This ensures consistency and saves considerable time, especially in dynamic project environments where changes are frequent.

Enhance your project management with Elements Copy and Sync! Discover the power of bulk cloning and real-time synchronization in Jira Cloud. Click here to learn more and activate your free trial now!

How to use Elements Copy and Sync for bulk cloning

  1. Select the issues: Start by selecting the issues you want to clone. This can be done from the issue navigator by applying the appropriate filters.
  1. Clone and link: With Elements Copy and Sync, you can choose to clone issues directly from the issue view or through bulk change options. During cloning, specify the link type to establish a connection between the original and cloned issues.

Configure synchronization: Begin by defining the synchronization settings. Prior to cloning, choose which fields, including status, assignees, and any custom fields, should be synchronized between the original and its clones. This setup is crucial to ensure that any updates to the original issue are automatically mirrored in the clones, maintaining consistency across your projects.

  1. Execute and verify: Once configured, execute the cloning process. After cloning, it’s important to verify that all issues are linked correctly and that synchronization settings are applied.

Best practices for bulk cloning

  • Plan before you clone: Ensure you clearly understand why and what you are cloning. This helps in setting up the right fields for synchronization.
  • Maintain clean data: Clean up irrelevant or outdated data in the original issues before cloning to avoid clutter.
  • Use appropriate link types: Select link types that reflect the relationship between original and cloned issues, like “is cloned by.”

Common challenges and solutions

  • Performance issues: Bulk operations can sometimes slow down Jira. To mitigate this, perform cloning during off-peak hours.
  • Complex configurations: Sometimes, synchronization rules can get complex. It’s advisable to document these rules clearly and keep them updated.

Try Elements Copy and Sync today to effortlessly clone and synchronize your tasks, ensuring consistency and efficiency across your projects. Click here to start your free trial!

Bulk cloning in Jira Cloud with Elements Copy and Sync can streamline your project management, especially for repetitive tasks.

Using Copy and Sync aims to create a connected, synchronized workflow, enhancing productivity and reducing manual overhead.

Cloning Jira issues: basics and limitations

Jira, a widely used project management tool, offers a range of features designed to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. One such feature is the ability to clone issues, which can be incredibly useful when similar tasks recur within or across projects. Here, we’ll explore the basic cloning functionality available in Jira, delve into its capabilities, and discuss the limitations you might encounter.

Basic cloning in Jira

Cloning in Jira allows users to create a duplicate of an existing issue, retaining the original issue’s field data (like status, assignee, etc.), which can save time and effort in project management. This feature is built directly into Jira’s interface, making it easily accessible and user-friendly. To clone an issue, users simply need to navigate to the desired issue and use the clone option in the issue’s menu.

The basic cloning feature is free and includes several useful functionalities:

  • Prefix addition: When cloning an issue, Jira automatically adds a “Clone” prefix to the title of the new issue. This helps distinguish the cloned issue from the original. Users with administrative rights have the flexibility to change this prefix to something more project-specific if needed.

Free usage: There’s no additional cost for using the basic cloning feature, as it is included with Jira.

Optimize your Jira cloning with Elements Copy & Sync. Ensure comprehensive issue cloning with ease. Discover our app today!

Limitations of basic cloning

While the cloning feature is straightforward and useful, it comes with significant limitations, especially when dealing with complex issue structures such as epics and their associated tasks:

  • No subtask duplication: The basic cloning function does not automatically clone subtasks or linked issues. When you clone an epic, for example, the epic itself is duplicated, but none of the underlying issues (like stories, tasks, or bugs) that are linked as children to this epic are cloned.
  • Manual effort required: To replicate a complete issue hierarchy, users must manually clone each subtask or linked issue. This can be labor-intensive and inefficient, particularly for larger projects where issues are deeply interconnected.

These limitations can reduce project management efficiency. Manually cloning each subtask and maintaining issue links uses valuable time and resources. For large-scale projects, basic cloning may be inadequate. This is especially true when precise duplication of issue hierarchies is essential.

Are you facing challenges with Jira’s basic cloning limitations? Upgrade your workflow with Elements Copy & Sync.

For users who often need to clone complete issue hierarchies should consider third-party apps like Elements Copy & Sync. This app enhances cloning and synchronizing, allowing entire hierarchies, attachments, and comments to be duplicated. These features are not available with basic cloning.

In conclusion, Jira’s basic cloning feature is useful but limited, requiring careful assessment of project needs. For simple tasks, it may suffice. However, for complex structures, exploring additional apps is essential. This ensures efficient project management and reduces manual work. Understanding these limitations helps teams plan better use of Jira’s features.

Enhance your Jira workflow today! Discover how Elements Copy & Sync can simplify your complex projects. Try Elements Copy & Sync now and streamline your tasks effortlessly!

Leveraging Jira and Confluence for knowledge management: A guide for IT teams

Atlassian’s Jira and Confluence are two tools that, when used together, can significantly enhance a team’s knowledge management capabilities. This article delves into strategies for integrating Jira and Confluence to build a robust knowledge management system that serves your team’s needs effectively.

Understanding Jira and Confluence tools

Jira, primarily a project management tool, excels in tracking issues, tasks, and projects. It provides teams with the agility to adapt to changes, manage workflows, and ensure that every task is accounted for and progresses as planned. On the other hand, Confluence operates as a content collaboration tool where teams can create, manage, and share documentation, project plans, and increase team collaboration.

The synergy between Jira and Confluence lies in their ability to offer a unified system where project tracking and documentation complement each other seamlessly. Here’s how you can leverage this synergy for effective knowledge management:

1. Documenting projects in Confluence

Start by creating a space in Confluence for your project documentation. This space should serve as the central repository for all project-related knowledge, including project plans, requirements, meeting notes, and retrospectives. For each project tracked in Jira, link directly to these Confluence pages to ensure that team members can easily navigate between task tracking and relevant documentation.

2. Embedding Jira issues in Confluence pages

Confluence allows you to embed Jira issues directly into your pages. This feature is incredibly useful for creating dynamic reports, sprint plans, or project summaries that automatically update as the status of Jira tickets change. Use this to keep documentation current without manual updates, ensuring that team members always have access to the latest information.

Nevertheless, while Jira and Confluence are powerful tools for project management and collaboration respectively, they have some native limitations. Jira can sometimes be too rigid for teams needing flexibility in their workflows and issue tracking, making it less adaptable to more dynamic project methodologies. Confluence, while excellent for documentation, can become complicated to deal with information as the amount of content grows, leading to navigation and retrieval difficulties. These native constraints may require additional customization or integration with other tools to fully meet user needs.

Discover how Elements Publish can enhance your Jira and Confluence integration—try it now to optimize your knowledge management

3. Utilize Confluence for meeting notes and decisions

Meetings are often where decisions are made, directions are chosen, and ideas are brainstormed. Use Confluence to document these meetings, and link relevant Jira issues to these notes. This provides a historical account of how decisions were reached and ensures that actionable items are tracked in Jira, closing the loop between decision-making and task execution.

4. Creating a knowledge base in Confluence

Beyond project-specific documentation Confluence can be an effective tool for ITSM. In ITSM, Confluence can be used to manage service catalogs, detailed documentation on incident management protocols, problem management guidelines, and change management procedures. Furthermore, Confluence also serves as a knowledge base for your team or organization, facilitating information sharing and collaboration. This can include coding standards, design guidelines, onboarding materials for new hires, and FAQs. Linking to Jira issues or projects from these pages can help illustrate guidelines with real-world examples or provide quick access to ongoing projects relevant to the knowledge base topic.

5. Encouraging collaboration and feedback

Leverage Confluence’s collaborative features to encourage team members to contribute to documentation, share feedback, and ask questions. This improves the quality of your knowledge management efforts and fosters a culture of openness and collaboration. Integrating with Jira, team members can discuss issues, update ticket statuses, and link back to Confluence pages for in-depth explanations or discussions.

Discover how Elements Publish can help your IT team streamline their knowledge management

6. Automated workflows and notifications

Both Jira and Confluence offer automation and notification features. Therefore, utilize these to alert team members about updates, new articles, or feedback requests. This ensures that knowledge management is proactive and engages the entire team in maintaining and enhancing your documentation.

The integration of Jira and Confluence offers a powerful combination for knowledge management. By effectively using these tools together, teams can ensure that project documentation is comprehensive, up-to-date, and accessible. This not only streamlines project execution but also builds a culture of knowledge sharing and continuous improvement. Start by mapping out your team’s knowledge management needs and configure Jira and Confluence to work together to meet these needs, laying the foundation for sustained success and growth.

In the bustling world of project management, the harmony between tools can often be the most important element for success. Atlassian’s Confluence and Jira stand out not just for their individual capabilities but for their synergistic potential when used together. This article explores how integrating Jira and Confluence can streamline workflows, foster collaboration, and ultimately, drive project success.

Seamless integration, streamlined workflow

Jira, renowned for its agile project management capabilities, excels in tracking issues, tasks, and deadlines. Confluence, on the other hand, serves as a robust content collaboration tool that helps teams to create, share, and manage all forms of content. When Confluence and Jira are used in tandem, they create a seamless workflow that bridges the gap between task management and information sharing.

This integration allows for the automatic linking of Jira tasks within Confluence documents. Teams can thus easily reference detailed project plans, requirements, or reports housed in Confluence directly from their Jira dashboard. This direct linkage not only saves time but also ensures that relevant information is readily accessible, reducing the need for constant back-and-forth communication.

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Enhanced collaboration for successful project

The Jira-Confluence integration enriches this collaboration by providing teams with a shared context. Confluence’s strength in content management becomes even more powerful when combined with Jira’s task tracking. Teams can collaboratively work on documents in Confluence while keeping track of their progress in Jira and also convert a Jira issue into a Confluence page. This ensures that every team member is on the same page, literally and figuratively.

For example, during project planning, Confluence requirements can directly become Jira tasks, ensuring all are accounted for and easing the transition to execution.

Empowered decision-making with data-driven insights

Decision-making is important at every stage of a project. The combination of Jira’s analytics and reporting capabilities with Confluence’s content management provides teams with a comprehensive overview of project health. Teams can create dynamic reports in Confluence that fetch real-time data from Jira, offering insights into project progress, resource allocation, and potential bottlenecks.

This integration empowers project managers and stakeholders to make informed decisions based on up-to-date project data. Whether it’s reallocating resources to address bottlenecks or adjusting timelines to meet deadlines, the combined insights from Jira and Confluence enable a proactive approach to project management.

Streamlining knowledge sharing and documentation

One of the challenges in project management is ensuring that knowledge is effectively shared and documented. Confluence’s capabilities as a knowledge base complement Jira’s operational efficiency by providing a centralized repository for all project-related documentation. From technical specifications to meeting notes and best practices, Confluence serves as the single source of truth for project teams.

Integrating Jira and Confluence not only facilitates access to this information but also encourages a culture of documentation. As tasks are completed in Jira, related documents in Confluence can be updated simultaneously, ensuring that project documentation remains current and relevant.

Integrate and synchronize your Jira issue into a Confluence page Now and transform your project management with Elements Publish.

The synergy between Jira and Confluence offers more than just convenience; it embodies a strategic approach to project management. By bridging the gap between task management and content collaboration, this integration streamlines workflows, enhances collaboration, empowers decision-making, and streamlines knowledge sharing. In the dynamic world of project management, using Jira and Confluence together can significantly boost team efficiency and success.

At Elements, we’re proud to announce our official SOC2 Type II compliance, a significant milestone that underscores our commitment to data security and operational excellence. This journey, initiated in December 2022, reflects our proactive approach to meeting the stringent requirements of the SOC2 framework.

Why pursue SOC2 compliance?

SOC2 is a rigorous certification process designed for service organizations, focusing on the secure management of customer data. It demands adherence to strict criteria in several key areas: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Our decision to comply with SOC2 framework was driven by several key factors:

  • Reassuring Our Customers: Achieving SOC2 compliance demonstrates our dedication to safeguarding customer data, reinforcing trust in our services.
  • Internal Confidence and Security Enhancement: With a strong foundation in security practices, pursuing SOC2 compliance allowed us to further solidify our processes, enhancing overall stability and security.

The Journey to Compliance

Our path to SOC2 compliance involved the entire company, with Caroline, Scrum Master, leading the project and significant contributions from teams across the organization. Collaborative efforts, particularly in policy development and IT security enhancements, were crucial. We engaged with external partners like Drata and Prescient Assurance to streamline the process and ensure rigorous evaluation.

  • Drata: This tool played a pivotal role in managing and facilitating SOC2-related actions, ensuring continuous monitoring and compliance.
  • Prescient Assurance: As our auditor, Prescient ensured that our policies and practices aligned with SOC2 standards.

Key Steps and Actions

  • Starting Point: The journey began in December 2022, with the formal decision to pursue SOC2 compliance.
  • Drata Adoption and Assessment: Starting February 2023, we adopted Drata to conduct thorough assessments and monitor our systems.
  • Policy Development: From March to September, we focused on defining and approving comprehensive internal policies, a critical component of the SOC2 framework.
  • Gap Analysis and Implementations: From March to September, we evaluated our procedures to identify any deficiencies and subsequently focused on implementing new practices and tools.
  • Risk Assessment: We conducted an in-depth analysis to identify existing potential risks across various domains, including technology, HR, finance, and sales. Each identified risk lead to a remediation plan.
  • Evidence Gathering: Before audit, we worked on centralizing all our evidence of compliance in our Drata tool.

Milestones Achieved

  • SOC2 Type 1: Achieved in November 2023, this phase involved auditing our policies and controls to ensure they met SOC2 standards at a single point in time.
  • SOC2 Type 2: From October 2023 to January 2024, this stage required us to demonstrate the practical implementation of our policies and efficiency of our controls, culminating in our SOC2 Type 2 compliance in February 2024.

Benefits for Our Customers

Achieving SOC2 compliance brings tangible benefits to our customers:

  • Enhanced Stability and Availability: Our processes have been refined to ensure higher reliability and uptime.
  • Improved Data Protection: With strengthened security measures, customer data is more secure than ever.
  • Faster Incident Response and Recovery: Our enhanced Incident Response Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan mean we can address issues more swiftly and effectively.


Our journey to SOC2 compliance was a comprehensive effort that involved the entire Elements team and external partners. This achievement reflects our dedication to going beyond the basic requirements for data security and privacy. It assures our customers that they are working with a company deeply committed to providing top-notch service while upholding the utmost standards in data protection and reliability.

We look forward to continuing our journey in excellence and security, providing our customers with the best possible service and peace of mind.

When navigating the complexities of incident management, leveraging the integrated capabilities of Jira Service Management (JSM), Jira, and Confluence can transform challenges into opportunities for improvement and efficiency. These tools, when used in harmony, create a robust framework for managing incidents that reflect the reality of today’s fast-paced project environments. Here’s how to tailor best practices to make the most of JSM, Jira and Confluence.

1. Leverage JSM for Proactive Incident Prevention

Before incidents arise, use JSM to set up a preventive maintenance schedule and automate regular checks. Its advanced monitoring capabilities can alert you to potential issues, allowing for preemptive action. Incorporating a knowledge base with Confluence can also help in educating your team and users on avoiding common pitfalls.

2. Streamline Identification with JSM Alerts

Utilize JSM’s alerting system to ensure swift incident identification. Configure it to send notifications through various channels, ensuring that critical information reaches the right people without delay. The goal is to create a seamless flow of information that aids in quick response times.

3. Efficient Logging Practices in Jira

When logging an incident in Jira, ensure that all relevant information is captured succinctly. Use custom fields and issue types to categorize incidents accurately, making it easier for teams to understand the scope and scale at a glance. This streamlined approach to logging helps in initiating a swift response.

4. Prioritize and Categorize with Precision

Employ Jira’s capabilities to categorize and prioritize incidents based on predefined criteria such as impact and urgency. This enables your team to address the most critical issues first, optimizing resource allocation and ensuring that efforts are focused where they are needed most.

5. Conduct Thorough Diagnosis with Confluence Integration

For comprehensive incident analysis, integrate Jira with Confluence to document and share findings across teams. This collaboration can lead to a deeper understanding of the incident’s root cause, fostering a culture of shared knowledge and collective problem-solving.

If you want take your incident management to the next level, learn more about Elements Publish

6. Implement Solutions and Monitor Recovery in Jira

Use Jira to track the resolution process, assigning tasks and monitoring progress towards recovery. This centralized tracking ensures that all team members are aligned and informed, facilitating a coordinated response to incidents.

7. Ensure Closure with Feedback Loops through JSM

Incorporate feedback mechanisms within JSM to gauge the effectiveness of the incident resolution. This can involve surveys or direct feedback from affected parties, ensuring that the incident is fully resolved to their satisfaction and gathering insights for future improvements.

8. Foster Continuous Improvement with Jira and Confluence Reports

Finally, use Jira’s reporting features in conjunction with Confluence’s collaborative documentation to review and refine your incident management process. Analyze trends, identify areas for improvement, and document best practices and lessons learned to continuously evolve your incident management strategy.

By tailoring these best practices to the specific capabilities of JSM, Jira, and Confluence, project managers and Jira admins can create a more resilient, efficient, and effective incident management process. This approach not only addresses the immediate challenges of incident resolution but also builds a foundation for ongoing improvement, reflecting the Elements commitment to innovation and excellence in project management.

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Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or new to the field, this guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and strategies needed to harness Confluence’s capabilities for successful project outcomes: ensuring they are completed on time, within scope, and with the desired quality. By integrating Confluence into your project management workflows, you can enhance collaboration, streamline communication, and centralize essential project information.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll address fundamental questions about project management and Confluence’s role within it. We’ll discuss the benefits of utilizing Confluence for project management and provide step-by-step guidance on how to set up, customize, and make the most of Confluence’s features for your projects.

What is Project Management?

Project management is the systematic application of processes, methods, and tools to initiate, plan, execute, monitor, control, and close projects. It involves the coordination of various resources, including time, budget, people, and materials, to achieve specific goals and objectives within defined constraints.

At its core, project management revolves around:

  • Defining Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and outcomes the project aims to achieve.
  • Planning: Creating a roadmap that outlines tasks, timelines, resources, and potential risks.
  • Execution: Implementing the planned tasks and activities to bring the project to life.
  • Monitoring and Control: Keeping track of project progress, identifying deviations, and making necessary adjustments.
  • Closure: Finalizing all project activities, evaluating their success, and documenting lessons learned.

Effective project management is essential for ensuring projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of stakeholders. By implementing structured project management practices, teams can minimize risks, optimize resource allocation, and enhance collaboration among team members.

Is Confluence a Project Management Tool?

Confluence, developed by Atlassian, is primarily known as a collaboration and documentation platform. While it may not be a traditional project management tool in the same vein as dedicated project management software, Confluence plays a vital role in supporting project management workflows.

We use Confluence for managing for most of our projects, because it makes all project information accessible and findable in one place.

Stefan Kleineikenscheidt, K15T CEO

Confluence offers features that are highly beneficial for project management, such as:

  • Document Collaboration: Confluence provides a centralized space where team members can collaboratively create, edit, and review project-related documents, requirements, and specifications.
  • Knowledge Sharing: With Confluence’s wiki-like structure, teams can share knowledge, best practices, and project-related information in an easily accessible format.
  • Task Tracking: While Confluence doesn’t offer robust project scheduling capabilities, it does enable task tracking through its integration with tools like Jira, allowing teams to monitor and manage project tasks.
  • Communication: Confluence’s commenting and @mention features facilitate seamless communication among team members, ensuring everyone stays informed and engaged.
  • Customizable Workspaces: Teams can create customized spaces for each project, tailoring them to suit the specific needs and requirements of that project.
  • Templates: Confluence offers various templates for meeting notes, project plans, and more, providing a consistent structure for project-related documentation.

While Confluence might not replace comprehensive project management tools, its collaborative and documentation-oriented features make it a valuable asset in the project management toolkit. Integrating Confluence with specialized project management tools can lead to a holistic approach that combines efficient collaboration and effective project execution.


Utilizing Confluence for project management offers a range of benefits that contribute to more organized, collaborative, and successful project outcomes. Here are some key advantages:

  • Centralized Information: Confluence serves as a central repository for all project-related documentation, reducing the chances of information silos and ensuring that team members have access to the latest updates.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: With Confluence, team members can collaboratively work on documents, share insights, and provide feedback in real-time, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. Also, Confluence’s cloud-based nature facilitates remote collaboration, enabling team members to work together regardless of their physical location.
  • Improved Communication: Confluence’s commenting, @mention, and notification features facilitate efficient communication, ensuring that team members are aware of updates, discussions, and decisions.
  • Knowledge Retention: As projects evolve and team members change, Confluence preserves institutional knowledge by documenting decisions, rationale, and processes, making onboarding smoother.
  • Customizable Templates & Workflows: Confluence offers a variety of templates tailored for project management, allowing teams to start with a structured framework and adapt it to their specific project needs.
  • Task Tracking Integration: Through integration with task and project management tools like Jira, Confluence allows teams to link project documentation with tasks, keeping project context and documentation closely connected.
  • Transparency: Confluence provides transparency into project progress, allowing stakeholders to access project documentation and updates, which aids in accountability and decision-making.
  • Scalability: Whether it’s a small project or a large-scale initiative, Confluence’s flexibility accommodates projects of varying complexities.

By harnessing Confluence’s capabilities, project managers and teams can streamline their processes, enhance communication, and create a well-documented project history that contributes to future successes.

How to Use Confluence for Project Management

Using Confluence for project management involves a series of steps that empower teams to collaborate, track progress, and maintain organized project documentation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you leverage Confluence effectively:

  1. Structure your spaces & documents
    1. Set Up Project Spaces: When new team members join, direct them to the project space in Confluence. This allows them to quickly understand the project’s context, goals, and documentation. Create dedicated spaces within Confluence for each project. These spaces serve as the hub for project-related documents, discussions, and updates. Customize the space to reflect the project’s identity and objectives.
    2. Define Document Structures: Lay out the structure of your project documentation. Create pages for project plans, requirements, meeting notes, and more. Utilize Confluence’s templates to maintain consistency across different types of documentation.
  2. Integrate with your task-tracking tools Integrate Confluence with task-tracking tools like Jira. Link project documentation with tasks, user stories, and issues. This integration ensures that project documentation is directly connected to the tasks being worked on.
  3. Foster collaboration Encourage team members to contribute to project documentation. Collaboratively create and edit documents, capturing insights, decisions, and progress updates. Leverage Confluence’s real-time collaboration features.
  4. Communicate regularly (updates, decisions, etc)
    1. Visualize with Charts and Diagrams: Use Confluence to create charts, diagrams, and visuals that communicate project timelines, dependencies, and progress. Visual representations help stakeholders grasp complex information quickly.
    2. Regular Updates and Communication: Encourage regular updates within Confluence. Document project status, achievements, and challenges. Use @mentions and comments to facilitate discussions and keep everyone informed.
  5. Document Decisions and Rationale: Capture key decisions made during the project lifecycle. Document the rationale behind decisions, as this knowledge becomes invaluable for future reference and learning. Use Confluence’s review and approval workflows for critical documents. Ensure that project documentation undergoes proper review before being finalized.

By following these steps, you can harness Confluence’s capabilities to optimize your project management workflows, enhance collaboration, and create a repository of valuable project knowledge.

Case Studies

In this section, we’ll delve into fictional examples of organizations that can effectively use Confluence for project management. These case studies highlight how Confluence’s features and functionalities can be applied to diverse projects, leading to improved collaboration, streamlined processes, and successful project outcomes.

Case Study 1: Tech Innovators Inc.

Tech Innovators Inc., a software development company, use Confluence to manage their product development projects. By creating dedicated project spaces for each product, they centralize requirements, design documents, and user stories. Through integration with Jira, they link project documentation with development tasks, ensuring alignment between documentation and execution. This approach leads to reduced communication gaps, faster decision-making, and a more efficient development cycle.

Case Study 2: Markven Agency

Marketing Maven Agency, a marketing firm, employ Confluence to coordinate their client campaigns. They use Confluence’s customizable templates to create campaign briefs, content calendars, and performance reports. Team members collaborate in real-time on these documents, ensuring everyone has the latest information. By using Confluence’s @mention feature, they facilitate quick feedback and approvals. This strategy results in improved client communication, better campaign tracking, and enhanced client satisfaction.

Case Study 3: Infrastructure Innovations Ltd.

Infrastructure Innovations Ltd., a construction company, leverages Confluence to manage its construction projects. They establish project spaces for each construction site, housing blueprints, progress photos, and safety protocols. With Confluence’s version control, they track changes to blueprints over time, ensuring that all stakeholders are working with the latest information. This approach improves collaboration among architects, engineers, and construction crews, leading to smoother project execution and reduced rework.

Case Study 4: Healthcare Hart Group

Healthcare Hart Group, a healthcare provider, uses Confluence for its process improvement initiatives. They document current processes, identify bottlenecks, and collaborate on solutions within Confluence. Through the use of diagrams and flowcharts, they visualize process changes and track their implementation. By integrating Confluence with their project management software, they align process improvements with project timelines. This approach results in enhanced patient care, optimized workflows, and increased operational efficiency.

These case study examples demonstrate the versatility of Confluence in different industries and project contexts. By adapting Confluence’s features to their specific needs, these fictional organizations are able to enhance collaboration, communication, and project outcomes.

Have you ever been faced to common customer support tickets that have already been solved but not documented? Or a piece of information missing to solve this incident, as the person possessing it is currently out of the office? Or even worse, a customer failing to find the answer he’s looking for while despite exploring the documentation?

Then you maybe be experiencing “IT knowledge management processes”-penia!

Worry no more, we have the right medicine for you.

By learning and implementing ITIL best practices for managing knowledge, you can quickly surface the information your customers or employees need to resolve their issues, fast, as well as empower IT teams to deliver great service experiences.

What is ITIL knowledge management process?

Simply gathering knowledge is not enough. ITIL knowledge management definition states that it should be used to build value, and provide the right information to the right people at the right time. ITIL 4 focuses on processes by saying WHAT should be done rather than HOW to do it. The goal is to create value and increase the efficiency of operations.

The ITIL Knowledge Management process is described in three main points:

Creating and maintaining a knowledge-sharing culture

It is necessary to create conditions in which all the employees understand what knowledge is for the organization and to give them the tools to create, use and transfer it.

In that sense, the ITIL Knowledge Management process includes:

  • changing outdated patterns of knowledge use
  • enabling the use and transfer of valuable knowledge
  • strengthening the learning culture in the organization
  • improving knowledge management practice
  • identifying knowledge assets in the organization

On-demand information search

One main objective of this ITIL process is to find and provide new information in response to unusual queries, when using the available information systems and patterns it is not possible to obtain a meaningful answer.

Here are examples of scenarios where this process is used to reach that goal:

  • Custom business analysis to verify the hypothesis
  • Evaluation of a new technology or business model
  • Management of complex and rare queries which have not been standardized or automated yet

Knowledge resource management

The process focuses on managing knowledge as a resource (knowledge assets) throughout its lifecycle and on its effective integration within the entire knowledge management environment in the organization. Knowledge assets can be collective and individual, structured and unstructured, implicit and explicit.

Examples of knowledge assets include records of incidents, documented issues and bugs, application source code, reports, design, and technical documentation, etc.

Read more about knowledge management in this ultimate guide: Knowledge Management – Best Practices Guide

Benefits of ITIL Knowledge Management

Why should organizations manage knowledge? For the same reason as humans. Organizations need to make better use of their most important resource – people’s knowledge – to turn it into a competitive advantage. Implementing an ITIL Knowledge Management process in your organization will bring several benefits:

Document answers to frequently asked questions to save agents’ time

Support agents usually have to deal with frequently asked questions. Losing time answering the same questions over and over again can be avoided by documenting typical answers and making them easily accessible. If you notice that a certain question comes up more than twice, it’s a sign that you should document the answer instead of letting your team waste time and resources dealing with it.

Empower customers to help themselves by searching for resolutions in the help center

By analyzing customer requests and tickets, you can find out what the more typical questions asked are, and in which words they are formulated. By properly including these keywords in your knowledge base articles, you’ll help the customer get access to articles perfectly matching their request and allow them to quickly find out the answer.

Gather customer feedback to develop more relevant documentation pages

Remember that knowledge also lies outside the organization. Customers using your products can show you a new perspective, find a previously undiscovered error, or even suggest a change. Stay aware of customer feedback to include it in your official documentation.

See how knowledge management can support your IT service practices.

Best practices when implementing an ITIL Knowledge Management process

Here are the seven best practices worth relying on when building an ITIL knowledge management process.

1. Focus on value

When creating articles in the knowledge base, you should focus primarily on the value they provide. The information should be precise and lead the user to solve their problem as soon as possible.

2. Start where you are

An organization is a living organism that is constantly changing. Therefore, any moment to start building a knowledge base is a good one. Don’t be intimidated by the amount of undocumented tribal knowledge that only exists in the minds of the longest-serving employees. The most important thing is to get started, the rest will happen along the way.

3. Progress iteratively with feedback

Documentation of larger processes should be divided into stages. Sometimes other people’s help can provide a fresh look at the documentation. Then the work should be done iteratively, i.e.: preparing a piece of documentation, submitting it for review, receiving feedback, and  making corrections. The process is repeated until the document is finished.

4. Collaborate and promote visibility

The power of a knowledge base is the ability of many people to work on it at the same time. However, it is necessary to build awareness that the knowledge base exists, that it has a real value, and that by supplementing it we make our (and others’) work easier. We will then no longer have to solve problems previously solved by someone else.

5. Think and work holistically

Developing a knowledge-sharing culture is essential when implementing this process. Increase transparency with open and shared information instead of keeping documents siloed in emails and folders, or locked behind permissions settings. Invest in technology that connects and unifies knowledge, like Confluence. Knowledge should be easy to search, find, and create, for your entire organization.

6. Keep it simple and practical

The information contained in a knowledge base should be as simple and practical as possible to directly guide the user (customer, support employee) to solve the problem.

7. Optimize and automate

Automation can help you streamline requests without a support agent needing to be called upon every time a new ticket or question comes up. Providing self-serve resources from your knowledge base, as well as keeping track of common requests and resolution processes automatically, can save you and your team time.

How to implement ITIL Knowledge Management with Atlassian tools

Keeping ITIL knowledge management best practices in mind, let’s see how you can implement them and build an up-to-date knowledge base to ease the work of support agents and help customers as well.

If you work with the Atlassian stack on a daily basis, the natural choice will be to use Confluence. In combination with Jira Service Management (JSM), you’ll get an easy-to-use and functional tool for creating and managing a knowledge base.

Building a knowledge base with JSM and Confluence

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to build a knowledge base with JSM and Confluence from scratch:

1/ If you don’t already have a JSM Project for your support portal, you can create a new one by going into Projects > Create Project > and choosing Service Management type.

2/ Creating a linked Confluence space

After the JSM project creation, the relevant Confluence Space should be automatically created and linked to the project. If you want to create another space go to Confluence, choose Spaces > Create a space > Knowledge base.

3/ Verifying the linking and permissions

Go to Project Properties Knowledge Base. If the space is already linked with the project, you will see the list of articles there. If it’s not the case, or if you wish to link other spaces, click on “knowledge base settings”.

There you can link the space by clicking on the “Link Space “button.

At this point, you can also verify permissions for the Space. If the Knowledge Base is intended to be used by customers, you should allow All logged-in users to view it.

4/ Adding the article from the issue view

Now you can add an article from the issue view. Click on “Knowledge base” on the right side of the issue and on “Create article”.

5/ Adding the article from the project view

Go back to Project Properties Knowledge Base (cf. point 3) and create a new article. Once created, you will also get the link to share it with a customer.

6/ Letting customers access knowledge base articles

Customers can find knowledge base articles as well by typing his/her request in the Customer Portal. Suggested articles matching his query will appear below.

What if knowledge-building could happen automatically?

Let’s imagine a support agent closes the incident reported by a customer, and just a moment later a new document is automatically published in Confluence gathering information on the request about how it has been resolved. This is where Elements Publish comes into play. This app for Jira Cloud lets you automate manual tasks and make knowledge base building fast, fun, and effective.

Building a knowledge base automatically with Elements Publish

Let’s take the use case of an Incident that has been solved and closed on the support portal.

In a well-defined ITIL Knowledge management process, a knowledge base page should be created, usually in Confluence, to store information on the incident and how it has been resolved, to consolidate knowledge and make it accessible to all. This task may be time-consuming, and it can be automated using an app like Elements Publish for Jira Cloud.

Several conditions must be fulfilled:

  • make it possible to create an article in the knowledge base based on a solved task
  • the document should be created only for Incident tasks that are resolved with the Done status
  • the document should be created in the Knowledge Base space and a link to it should appear in the task
  • the document should include the date of closing the task and its labels
  • the attachments should be copied to the newly created page
  • a document can only be created by the person assigned to the task

All these conditions can be implemented with Element Publish by creating a unique recipe, that, when triggered, will automatically create a page in Confluence, gathering all key data on the incident.

Interested in learning how to create Confluence pages automatically from JSM tickets? Take a look at our use case below:

Learn how to create knowledge base articles from Jira Service Management tickets with Elements Publish.