
Avoid common XLA mistakes to elevate your ITSM

7 min read

Illustration showing experience level agreement (XLA) metrics with performance charts, customer satisfaction ratings, and issue tracking to enhance IT services and user experience.
Written by Valentine Pradal

As businesses shift from traditional SLA (Service Level Agreement) models to Experience Level Agreements (XLA), the focus on customer experience has never been greater. While the XLA approach offers immense potential for aligning IT services with user experience, many organizations still struggle with common pitfalls. Here’s how you can avoid the top XLA mistakes and truly harness the power of experience-driven IT management.

1. Focusing solely on metrics rather than experiences

The mistake: One of the most significant errors companies make when implementing Experience Level Agreement is continuing to prioritize metrics over the actual user experience. It’s tempting to keep tracking availability and uptime as primary indicators of success, but these don’t reflect how users truly feel about a service.

How to avoid It: Shift your focus towards qualitative feedback. While quantitative metrics still play a role, the real insight lies in understanding the user’s emotional journey and satisfaction. Implement user surveys, monitor feedback tools, and track emotional responses alongside technical metrics. For example, employ tools like CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) or NPS (Net Promoter Score) to gauge user satisfaction directly.

2. Treating XLAs as a “one-size-fits-all” solution

The mistake: Many organizations fail to customize their Experience Level Agreements to the unique needs of different user groups. A generic XLA might capture broad service performance but miss the nuanced needs of specific teams or departments.

How to avoid it: Tailor your XLAs fit your customers or employees within your organization. IT services will impact various teams differently. A finance team might prioritize seamless access to critical applications, while a marketing team could be more focused on collaboration tools. Create separate Experience Level Agreements that reflect the needs of different departments or user personas to ensure relevant and actionable insights.

3. Overlooking continuous improvement and feedback loops

The mistake: Another common mistake is treating Experience Level Agreements as a static measure. Many organizations set up their XLA metrics once and leave them untouched for years, failing to adapt as the business and its user needs evolve.

How to avoid it: Adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. XLAs should be revisited regularly to ensure they remain aligned with the evolving expectations of users. Establish regular feedback loops, use agile methodologies, and iterate on your Experience Level Agreement goals. By regularly reviewing user experience data, you can spot trends early and make proactive adjustments.

4. Failing to integrate XLAs with broader business goals

The mistake: IT departments often view XLAs as an isolated framework, not aligning them with broader organizational objectives. This disconnection can lead to misaligned priorities and the perception that Experience Level Agreements are just another IT-driven initiative, rather than a business-enabling tool.

How to avoid it: Link your XLAs to the company’s key business outcomes. Understand the strategic goals of your organization and ensure your XLA metrics are contributing to these objectives. For example, if your company’s goal is to improve customer retention, your Experience Level Agreement should measure how IT services are impacting the user journey and customer satisfaction. This alignment ensures that XLAs are seen as a critical component in achieving business success.

5. Neglecting communication and cross-functional collaboration

The mistake: Experience Level Agreements often fail when communication between IT and other business units is weak. Many organizations continue to operate in silos, where IT departments focus solely on technical performance metrics, and business units are concerned only with outcomes. This lack of communication leads to a disconnect between what IT delivers and what users actually need for an optimal experience.

How to avoid it: Foster a culture of collaboration by encouraging regular cross-functional meetings. IT teams should work closely with business units to understand their specific needs and how services impact their day-to-day operations. This collaboration ensures that XLAs are shaped not just by IT performance metrics but by user-driven outcomes that truly enhance the customer experience. Leveraging service management apps like Elements PULSE can help integrate these collaborative efforts by providing dashboards that both technical and business teams can easily understand.

6. Failing to leverage the right technology

The mistake: Many companies attempt to implement XLAs without the proper technological infrastructure, leading to fragmented data, poor insights, and a lack of actionable outcomes. Trying to manually track user feedback and correlate it with performance metrics can lead to delays in identifying and addressing user issues.

How to avoid it: Invest in advanced XLA tools that automate data collection, analysis, and reporting. Apps like Elements PULSE enable real-time experience tracking, integrating seamlessly with your existing ITSM platforms. By automating feedback collection and analysis, your team can make quicker decisions, respond proactively to user needs, and continuously improve the user experience.

7. Not investing in employee training and mindset shifts

The mistake: While technology plays a significant role in driving XLA success, human factors are equally crucial. A common pitfall is overlooking the importance of training IT staff and changing their mindset to align with experience-driven service delivery. Teams may still focus on ticking off tasks based on SLAs without truly considering how these actions impact the end user’s experience.

How to avoid it: Regularly train your IT staff not only in new apps and technologies but also in soft skills, such as empathy and customer service. Encourage a user-first mindset, where employees view service delivery through the lens of the end user’s experience, not just technical functionality. Role-based training programs can help personalize this approach, ensuring that every team member understands how their role contributes to the overall user experience.

8. Ignoring XLA results

The mistake: A common issue is when IT managers collect valuable data from XLA metrics but fail to implement actions based on the results. This lack of follow-through can lead to poor prioritization of internal tasks, overlooked areas for improvement, and ultimately, a decline in customer satisfaction.

How to avoid it: Ensure that XLA data drives actionable insights. Regularly review results and create a structured plan to address any issues or opportunities that arise. By turning insights into action, you can better prioritize tasks, address user needs more effectively, and boost overall satisfaction.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can fully leverage the potential of Experience Level Agreements, transforming your IT services into a user-centric powerhouse. Correcting these XLA mistakes, your organization can shift from a purely SLA-driven model to one that truly values and enhances the user experience. Remember, XLAs are not just about measuring service performance—they’re about enhancing the entire experience for users, from the ground up.

By embracing this approach, you’ll not only see improved user satisfaction but also stronger alignment between IT services and broader business objectives. The result will be a more engaged, satisfied customer base and an IT service model that seamlessly supports both performance goals and user experience, ultimately driving overall business success.

Take XLA monitoring to the next level with Elements PULSE

If you’re ready to elevate your XLA strategy and gain real-time insights into the customer experience, Elements PULSE is the perfect solution. Our app integrates seamlessly with your IT service management platforms, giving you instant visibility into key experience metrics and helping you drive continuous improvement.

Elements PULSE empowers your team to move beyond traditional SLAs by offering dynamic XLA tracking, actionable insights, and customizable dashboards.

Start delivering exceptional user experiences today— click here to learn more and try Elements PULSE.